noun rap·tor \ˈrap-tər, -ˌtȯr\
- a bird (such as an eagle or hawk) that kills and eats other animals for food
As in: A raptor hunt for food in the day.
examples of birds of prey are hawks, vultures, falcons, condors and eagles.
the raptors are at the TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN.
raptors have skin the lizard and extremely smart
As in: Raptors beaks and sharp talons are very powerful.
most birds of prey hunt for vertebrates(animals with back bones)
like mammals, fish, or other birds
the also eat dead animals called carrion.
As in: raptors use there body parts catch , kill and tear of the flesh of of there prey
there talons allow and carry there prey.
there sharp beaks are good for tearing off bite size pieces.

What Is a Raptor? Wonder of the Day #779
examples of birds of prey are hawks, vultures, falcons, condors and eagles.
the raptors are at the TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN.
raptors have skin the lizard and extremely smart
As in: Raptors beaks and sharp talons are very powerful.
most birds of prey hunt for vertebrates(animals with back bones)
like mammals, fish, or other birds
the also eat dead animals called carrion.
As in: raptors use there body parts catch , kill and tear of the flesh of of there prey
there talons allow and carry there prey.
there sharp beaks are good for tearing off bite size pieces.

What Is a Raptor? Wonder of the Day #779
Thats really neat