Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Oh, Mr. Killer Whale by Nick

Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what we met?
With a terrifying name,
that comes from when sailors use to refer to you,
as whale killers.
Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what if we met?
Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what if we met?
Your diet includes
fish, sea birds, seals, whales, and sharks.
You are not afraid to take on
squids, octopuses, sea turtles, sharks,
and other whales.
Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what if we met?
Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what if we met?
You hunt for food
with the other thirty-nine
members of your pod.
You are related to the dolphin family
otherwise known as delphinidae.
Oh, Mr. Killer Whale,
what if we met?


  1. Nice drawing and nice poem, Nick!

  2. You have to listen
    very close
    to hear my song,
    sinking and swimming
    in the currents of the seas.
    I am all ballast, and wonder,
    and terrifying beauty,
    patrolling the oceans in search
    of music made by others,
    finding food and singing in triumph.

    -- Your poem gave me inspiration for my own poem. Thank you. -- Mr. Hodgson

    1. Awesome song, it was really good. And thank you.


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