Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Storm Chaser by Christian

storm chas-er

\ˈstȯrm\ \ˈchā-sər\ noun

a person who follows storms

As in: People that head toward 
a storm 
when they see
As in: While we're sure that
chasing a 
storm can definitely
a thrilling adventure.
As in: Hurricanes and tornados can 
destroy anything
in it's path.
As in: They often occur with 
very little 
As in: The more storm chasers
understand the
storms, the more
can predict them.
As in: It can involve hours
and hours
of driving.
As in: They place scientific equipment
that they 
hope will be 
up by the tornado.
As in: If the storm picks
up the 
equipment, the scientists
can use the
data it records
to find out what happens
inside the dangerous storms.
As in: Tornado vehicles (TIV2) weighs
about 8
tons and has
other special 
features that would make
it hard for a tornado 
to lift it off the ground.
As in: Some storm chasers have
been injured
and even killed
in this
line of work.
As in: This is not a 
situation amateurs
should ever try!

Why Do Some People Chase Storms? Wonder of the Day #779

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